Time of My Life

Time of My Life

  • New Playhouse Theatre
  • from: November 19, 2014
  • to: November 22, 2014

Family Secrets Are Unravelled

After the success of ‘Equal Partners’ at the Greater Manchester Fringe festival 2014, troublehouse returned later that year to produce Alan Aykbourn’s classic ‘Time Of My Life.

Having spent the summer rehearsing for ‘Equal Partner’s in Scarborough, we quickly learnt a lot about its most famous playwright as well our associate director, Paul’s friendship with him. We wanted to keep that Northern connection going and found ‘Time Of My Live’ the perfect fit inside the ‘New Playhouse’ pop-up theatre established in an old warehouse in Manchester City Centre.

‘Time Of My Life’ focuses on the Stratton family as they share an evening celebrating Laura Stratton’s forty-ninth birthday party in their favourite restaurant. The story begins in the present but unfolds in both the past and the future showing how the lives of each family member crisscrosses and influences one another all witnessed, in one evening, by our audience.

Harsh, funny, simple and cunning, Troublehouse Theatre present a wonderful revival of Alan Ayckbourn’s play of love, loyalty and family affairs. A strong performance by a talented cast.

Donna Kelly, WhatsOnStage

Written by: Alan Ayckbourn

Directed by: Barry Evans


  • Hilly Barber
  • Rick Bithell
  • Eddie Capli
  • Barney Cooper
  • Elinor Dixon
  • Ben Rigby