Autumn ’18 Update
Autumn ’18 Update
With the weather most definitely on the turn and the clocks set to go back any day now, it’s time to pause for a moment and take stock of what we’ve been up to lately. Heather is currently working as Assistant Director with RashDash theatre on their latest work ‘Future Bodies’ which will tour this October starting at HOME, Manchester. You can read more about Heather’s experiences working with RashDash, the tour and its process here in her blog for the JMK Trust.
Throughout September and into October Rick will be working with Contact theatre, Manchester on a new piece of writing: ‘I Am Because We Are’. Written by Cheryl Martin (Manchester Evening News award winner, Polari Prize nominee) and directed by Alix Harris (Plymouth Barbican, Theatre Royal). ‘I Am Because We Are’ is based on the testimonies of people living with HIV in Manchester today.
In partnership with BHA for Equality, ‘I Am Because We Are’ will tour from 8th – 21st October across seven Greater Manchester boroughs, with venues including churches, community centres and drop-in centres for refugees and asylum seekers.

“In a suburb in Stockport, a husband and wife hide their medication from one another. A young woman in Lagos, Nigeria refuses to speak to her sister on the phone. A hospital nurse wears extra pairs of gloves around a patient, no explanation given.”
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